Training for fied personel

Most personnel conducting line transect sampling of birds in Norway and report their findings to Hønsefuglportalen are volunteers affiliated with NJFF or bird dog associations. To ensure high quality of registered data in the portal, training and Distance sampling courses are imperative for precise results. Many field personnel have completed training courses for line transect sampling, and have contributed with data to Hønsefuglportalen for many years. The R&D institutions have recently revised the course material for field personnel. Course instructors across the country are educated in collaboration with NJFF. The instructors will be able to offer local courses on demand.

The revised course is aimed at giving field personnel an understanding of the importance of monitoring wild animal populations, and how grouse and forest bird inventorying using Distance sampling is conducted. The course material is intended as a practical guide for conducting line transect sampling in the field. By providing a good understanding of the work, as well as practical (and methodologically correct) guidelines, we hope that the course material will contribute to maximising the quality of sampled data. This is crucial for the quality and precision of the estimates reported to stakeholders and management.

Hvordan melde seg på digitalt takseringskurs?

Det åpnes opp for å melde seg på kurset fra og med 1. mars, med siste frist for å melde seg på 1. juni. Påmeldingen skjer digitalt gjennom Høgskolen i Innlandet sine nettsider her:

Hjelp til aktivering av konto
Lenke til påmelding

Etter fullført kurs vil deltagerne få tilsendt et kursbevis, som de selv må laste opp på Min profil i Hønsefulgportalen, for å vise at man er sertifisert taksør. Områdeansvarlig for takseringer vil kunne få opp en liste over sertifiserte taksører tilhørende sitt område.

Stakeholders, bird dog associations, or local departments of NJFF who require Distance sampling courses, can contact one of the certified instructors (below). Contact the instructor closest to «your area» for enquiries about upcoming courses or if you want to host a course.

Instructors for line transect sampling courses

Institution Name and email Address
NJFF Aust AgderSondre Stormo sondre.stormo@gmail.comFagerheim 3, 4817 His91345601
NJFF NordlandMagnus Fjeldså magnus@flygt-bil.noGeneral Fleishersg. 1, 8003 Bodø90617359
NJFF HedmarkMari Tangen Evensen mari.evensen@njff.no97467070
NJFF Nord-TrøndelagVegard Løvmo vegardlovmo@hotmail.com41108889
NJFF Sogn og FjordaneRune Dag Olsbø olsbo66@online.no95817577
NJFF TromsEdgar Henriksen edgarhen@online.no90578325
NJFF Sør-TrøndelagEskil Pettersen s.trondelag@njff.no90844440
NJFF BuskerudHans Ole Solberg
FefoKenneth Berg
FefoLars-Even Pettersen
FefoGunnar Guttormsen
FefoRoger Halvari
FefoKristine Gonsholt
FefoKristin Hornset kro@fefo.no48043124
FefoChristina Bjørkli cbj@fefo.no46844960