About the portal

Hønsefuglportalen is a web portal for registration and management of data from line transect sampling of primarily grouse and forest birds. Sampling is carried out using standing bird dogs, where birds are flushed and counted along virtual lines in the landscape. The sampling is performed during the first three weeks of August every year. The portal is owned and operated by the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), and is utilized by several public and private land owners. NINA is, together with the Inland University of Norway (INN), responsible for analysing the data and reporting the results to stakeholders prior to the start of the hunting season.


Following the Grouse Management Project ("Rypeforvaltningsprosjektet") 2006-2011, the portal was established in 2013 as a collaborative effort between NINA, Statskog og Finnmarkseiendommen (Fefo). The development of the initial version of the portal was funded by the Norwegian Environment Agency and collaborative partners. The portal was expanded in late 2014, with contributions from approximately 20 Mountain Boards, several private stakeholders, and INN. Development of the portal has adhered to the description and guidelines stated in NINA minirapport 423. The portal is a response to the demand for collaboration, quality assurance and coordination of the vast efforts in inventorying our populations of gallinaceous birds, performed by local and regional stakeholders every year.


The purpose of Hønsefuglportalen is to


Hønsefuglportalen is both a web portal and a development project, as there has been no coordinated efforts to inventory gallinaceous birds in Norway. The portal does not represent a unified national monitoring programme of gallinaceous birds, but contributes to collaboration and coordination between stakeholders involved in line transect sampling. The collaboration consists of sharing routines and protocols for field work, data management, and statistical analyses. In addition, R&D institutions advice the stakeholders regarding methodology, study design and implementation of field protocols.

Effort and sampling length varies between regions. The R&D institutions work together to achieve a more unified study design and effort across administrative and geographical borders. Stakeholders are ultimately responsible for the study design and implementation of line transect sampling within their respective geographical areas. Statskog, FeFo and the various Mountain Boards coordinate the efforts within their administrative regions, whereas INN is responsible for coordinating efforts for private land owners.


Hønsefuglportalen has, in the period 2013-2021, been funded by the Norwegian Environment Agency (through "Viltfondet"), contributions from stakeholders, and efforts from the R&D institutions (NINA and INN). Additionally, we have received public funding from county boards in the period 2013-2018. (Overview of funding 2013-2015). Overview of funding

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